There are plenty of workouts circulating all over the internet under the label "shredded next level," "get chiseled abs in a week," and many more. But time has proved that all these fitness routines are worthless and could be dangerous for your health for several reasons. Most fitness plans are either based on crash diets or are used to promote artificial supplements to get that belly fat to vanish within a couple of days.

And I bet you have clicked on this article because you are tired of following silly diet plans that always leave you frustrated and demoralized. Which is why, today, I have brought a clinically approved nutrition plan which is flexible, easy to follow, and would keep you dedicated till the end of your journey, along with some home workouts. Without further ado, let`s get straight down to business!


5 Tips That Will Make Your Fitness Journey Easy

Stop Dieting

The first thing you need to do if you are thinking about making a change in your life is to remove the word "dieting" from your dictionary. Instead, start following a nutrition plan which you can follow consistently without depriving yourself of food. Going on a diet is a temporary solution and might even give you some results! But you cannot sustain these diets in the long run due to the excessive cravings, leaving you thinking about food all day. At the same time, a nutrition plan is flexible and allows you to have a cheat meal more often.

Think Quality

Markets are filled with frozen foods that can easily be made within a few minutes. However convenient as they may sound, most foods are incredibly harmful to your health. Therefore, it is recommended that instead of buying something frozen labeled under the name "HEALTHY," purchase fresh vegetables, meat, and dry fruits.

Stop Counting Calories

The most demotivating factor of all time is counting before you eat; while many fitness influencers promote the habit of counting calories, it only makes you a slave of this process in the long run. Counting calories could lead you to the promised land, but it is challenging for people who stay busy and don`t have the time to calculate macronutrients. All you have to do is eliminate the foods you know you shouldn`t be eating and replace them with healthier alternatives, which we will discuss later.

Love What You Are Eating

That`s right; the cheat meal mentality surrounds your mind when you deprive yourself of food and start eating things that aren`t appetizing! The good news is that you can still lose weight by eating the foods you love without consuming a cheat meal. Now that doesn`t mean I am ordering you to grab a pack of chips and start eating it. What I mean is find healthy foods you love to eat and look for your favorite recipes over the internet.

Chill Out

Give yourself some time, don’t be too hard on yourself. This means giving yourself some time while consistently following a fitness routine. If you are going to stress over it too much, you will not lose weight! Weight loss can only be made when your mind is at peace, as stress increases the cortisol hormone, which reduces the chance of fat loss.


Understanding The Science Behind Weight Loss

Losing weight depends upon your consumption and expenditure. In other words, it depends on the food you eat, the calories it contains, and the level of activity you have to digest that food and burn those calories. If your caloric consumption is more than your caloric expenditure, it means you are eating in a surplus; therefore, you can kiss your weight loss journey goodbye. Whereas, if you are burning more calories than you are consuming, you will lose weight as your body is in a caloric deficit state. If you follow this simple rule, regardless of how much weight you carry on your body, you will lose weight! This will be discussed in more detail later on.


The Best Nutrition Plan For Weight Loss

Step#1: Replace Junk Food With A Healthy Alternative

The first step you must follow is to eliminate all unnecessary junk you have included in your nutrition plan. Regardless of how much work you put in while working out, you will always come up short if you still need to include junk food in your diet. Instead, use healthier alternatives such as fish, meat, chicken, vegetables, nuts, salad, and olive oil.

Step#2: Eat In Portions

Weight gain occurs when your metabolism slows down, leaving the accumulation of excess fat surrounding your skin. The only way to increase your metabolism is to eat in small portions throughout the day. It is recommended to split your meals into 5 small parts so that your body converts your stored fat into energy without being deprived of food.

Step#3: Divide Your Plate

Food contains three types of nutrients which are also known as carbohydrates, protein, and fat, respectively. Jointly they are called macro-nutrients. Many people call them macros as well. Speaking of which, your plate must be divided into three parts while having a meal. The most significant part should be apportioned for protein, followed by carbohydrates, and the smallest part should contain healthy fats. This way, you can easily manage your meals without needing to count calories.


Workout Routine

If you need more time to spend at a gym, you have visited the right place, as I will share the simplest forms of workouts you can follow during your fitness journey without compromising your time. The first thing you should do after beginning this routine is to go for a morning jog at least twice or thrice a week, now I know that getting up early could be hectic within itself, but this opportunity isn`t just going to fall in your lap you will have to avail it!

Evening workout sessions should be tough. Start doing push-ups, burpees, and squats while shortening your rest periods. You can even combine them and design a workout of your preference, or you can head online and look for beginner’s workouts. In the end, remember the 80/20 rule: stay dedicated to your nutrition and prioritize it over your workouts. Moreover, get plenty of rest as your body adjusts while asleep.