Vitamin D is essential for our overall health and should be taken every day to strengthen our immune system. Moreover, vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin because researches show that the sun can generate vitamin D through our skin as our skin is very reactive to the external environment, hence when it comes into contact with sunlight, it naturally activates dead skin cells and pushes them to activate this vitamin after which it regulates inside our body.
Experts have recommended that every person take at least 30 minutes of sunlight per day to stay healthy and keep their cells active. However, unhealthy lifestyles and dietary changes have led to many people becoming deficient in vitamin D, despite taking sunlight every day. That said, today, we will learn about the 10 foods rich in Vitamin D and how they can fill the deficiency of vitamin D inside your body without consuming any expensive supplements.
1-Cod Liver Oil
When it comes to vitamin D, COD lever oil is the heart of this vitamin and has many advantages if you add it to your daily routine. COD liver oil is excellent for filling your vitamin D deficit and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It benefits your immune system, hormonal activity, and cardiovascular health. It is recommended to take at least a tablespoon of COD liver oil if facing any of the above issues, though avoid consuming it too much as it could cause body heat.
2-Portabello Mushrooms
Meat carries a list of vitamins within itself. While many
people love meat and consume it daily, vegetarians find it difficult to
complete the requirements of nutrients that are primarily present in meat. But
don`t worry, I have got you all covered up on this one. Portabello mushrooms
are an excellent meat substitute and contain 375 IUs per serving which is
enough for someone looking for a solution to his vitamin D problems.
3-Oily Fish
Oily fish has always been labeled a superfood as it contains many nutrients and omega-3 essential oils, which are good for your hair, nails, eyes, and mental health. Speaking of benefits, oily fish are rich in vitamin D and contain 100 IUS per serving. Oily fishes include Tuna, salmon, mackerel, and fatty fish. Though oily fish is very beneficial for health but could harm your health if consumed excessively. Therefore, it is recommended to look after the limitations and drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated.
4-Fish Roe
Fish roe is a deadly combination of all vitamins and minerals and is very beneficial for your internal health. Fish roe regulates blood inside your body and keeps your nervous system up and going like a firewall inside a computer. Furthermore, one serving of fish roe is enough to feed your daily vitamin D requirement as it contains around 484 IUS per serving. It also contains other vitamins such as vitamins A, E, B6, iron, magnesium, and selenium.
5-Orange Juice
Don`t confuse organic orange juice with the artificial ones available in the market, as most artificial juices contain preservatives that kill all the nutrients and valuable enzymes used to cure one`s body and are useless to consume. Whereas organic juices are filled with nutrients and enzymes that activate your digestive system, provide you calcium, and fill you with vitamin D as it contains approximately 137 IUS per eight-ounce cup.
6-Fortified Breakfast Cereals
Before you rush towards the market to buy some sugary breakfast cereals, I would like to clarify that I was referring to the natural ones. For example, you can use oats and could combine them with any of the above options to create a rich vitamin D diet, as oats are a primary source of it too. Besides, breakfast cereals keep you light throughout the day and fill your depleted glycogen stores after consuming them.
7-Dairy Products
Dairy products are vital for the various processes that occur inside our body. Dairy products fix hormonal imbalances, keep your bones strong, and promote muscle growth if you are gaining muscle mass. But surprisingly, dairy products contain a small amount of vitamin D and are not a primary source of it. So, what`s the use of consuming dairy products? The answer is that dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D needs excess calcium in our body reserves to get fully absorbed in our body.
8-Beef Lever
Beef liver contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12. Moreover, it contains important elements which are useful for our internal health, such as copper and iron. However, most people don`t like beef lever due to its smell and taste, but I suggest you add it to your diet as organ meats are 100 times better than other muscle meats.
Eggs have gained an overwhelming amount of popularity as it helps in muscle building and contains almost everything within an affordable price range. Eggs are a convenient way to equip yourself with vitamins without spending too much. I would suggest you consume the egg yolks as well, though avoid consuming them too much as it causes body heat.
10-Alternatives For Dairy Products
While dairy products are essential to absorb vitamin D in
our body, many people are lactose intolerant, or in other words, they are
allergic to dairy products. Thus, it could get challenging for them to get
vitamin D, especially if they don`t consume meat. I suggest you consume skimmed
milk, almond milk, soy, dairy-free cheese, and other dairy-free products.
However, consuming too much dairy or dairy-free products could also cause
hormonal imbalances. Hence, it is recommended to consume dairy products
according to your body`s requirements.